sábado, 22 de enero de 2011

Miembros Afiliados en el año 2011

Miembros Afiliados en el año 2011

Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

Personas vinculadas a la Fundación País del Conocimiento

A. Con experiencia y conocimientos en Living labs (ver hojas de vida en Internet):

1. André Jean Marc Loechel, Presidente de la Fundación Territorios del Mañana y Presidente de la Red Europea de Ciudades Digitales, Director científico de la red ARENOTECH, Secretario General y Presidente desde el 2001 de la Asociación de Ciudades Digitales, la Red Europea de Ciudades Digitales, agrupación que promueve la innovación tecnológica dentro de las colectividades locales que observa, analiza y evalúa las prácticas y usos de las redes de inteligencia territorial principalmente en el ámbito de la formación y de nuevas formas de aprendizaje, acceso y el intercambio de conocimientos. 

Como Presidente de la 'Fundación de los Territorios de Mañana' acompaña a los territorios actores de la innovación en el ámbito territorial de la economía del conocimiento. Él creó el Laboratorio de usos Territorios del mañana y de la Comunidad del Conocimiento y la Innovación "El futuro de Internet Economía, Sociedad y Territorios del Mañana". El Living Lab de los Territorios del mañana agrupa, una ciudad del conocimiento, un centro de arqueología en Provence – Côte d’Azur, un espacio de reflexión dedicado a la muy banda ancha en Alsace, así como los Centres Européens de Nouvelles Technologies (CENT).

2. Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez, Fundador y Presidente de la Fundación País del Conocimiento. Miembro del Consejo Científico de ARENOTECH y de la Red Européa de Ciudades Digitales. Miembro del Grupo de Expertos "Ciudades del Conocimiento Latinoamericanas". Miembro de la Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC). Miembro del Intelligent Community Forum (ICF) y Jurado internacional. Gerente TECICOM. Autor de varias publicaciones que lo convierten en líder y punto de referencia para el desarrollo de temas y proyectos relacionados con las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) en Colombia. 

Fue Director Nacional de Acceso y Desarrollo Social (DADS) en el Ministerio de las TIC de Colombia, responsable de la Política Social de las Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación y de inclusión digital de todos los colombianos, desde donde lideró la creación de la Política Nacional de Territorios Digitales para Colombia. Actualmente lidera y anima el proyecto Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento'. Creador y promotor del proyecto "Medellín, Ciudad Digital", entre otros territorios digitales. Ver más.

B. Otros miembros que tienen experticias en las diferentes áreas que desarrolla el Living Lab:

3. Francisco Larios Sánchez, CEO at SOFTCODE - CI2T, CEO at EL VINO 2.0. Experto en el desarrollo de Software, Web 2.0, desarrollos de web y TICS aplicadas a la agricultura, empresario en la línea de negocios de webs para pymes a coste de pymes. 

Creador de sectores en internet en el área de alimentos, comercio electrónico, en el sector de Servicios y tecnología de la información. Actualmente es director y gestor del área comercial y Tic de SOFTCODE - CI2T donde se diseñan e implantan sistemas de calidad, Sistemas integrados de Calidad, Gestión de la Innovación se hace auditoria y diagnósticos tecnológicos, evaluación, diseño e implantación de proyectos de I+D, ayuda a la preparación de propuestas de proyectos de I+D a programas públicos, fiscalidad de la I+D e Ingeniería: Integración de sistemas de control y supervisión, Ingeniería y control de procesos, aplicación especifica a agroalimentación con invernaderos automatizados.

4. Andrés Felipe Millán Cifuentes. Director Centro de Investigación COMBA, Universidad Santiago de Cali. Miembro de IEEE Communications Society, Miembro del Consorcio I2COMM. Ingeniero de Sistemas e Informática con estudios de Maestría y actualmente candidato a Ph.D en el área de Redes y Telemática de la Universidad de Vigo (España), con gran experiencia académica en docencia a nivel de pregrado y postgrado. 

Reconocido como investigador y conferencista en los temas de computación móvil, redes inalámbricas y redes de banda ancha. Actualmente sus temas de investigación son la computación urbana, las ciudades inalámbricas, el uso de las TIC para la innovación de los negocios y el uso de sistemas inalámbricos de banda ancha en entornos sociales para soluciones de telemedicina y tele educación. Par evaluador en Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones de varias agencias de Ciencia y Tecnología y Universidades Nacionales.

5. Ivan Guillermo Orozco Arias, Nationwide Telecom Manager at CompuRedes SA. Ingeniero Electrónico y Especialista en Telecomunicaciones, Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, Medellín. Gerente Nacional de Telecomunicaciones, CompuRedes SA, Colombia. Responsable de la gestión comercial –preventa y venta-, desarrollo de proyectos integrales para los operadores de Telecomunicaciones en Colombia y la región tales como apropiación tecnológica de aplicaciones OSS&BSS; tecnologías para el core de la red, red de transmisión, red de acceso; servicios para soportar los procesos productivos –outsourcing y servicios posventa-. 

Gestión de acuerdos de distribución con compañías como Tropos Networks (wireless metro mesh), Aperto Networks (Wimax o wireless punto multipunto), Infinet Wireless (pre Wimax o wireless punto multipunto), Zhone Technologies (DWDM, xDSL), Covaro Networks (Ethernet demarcation points), Nortel Networks (wireless metro mesh), DLink (CPEs), HP (OSS&BSS), Dragon Wave (radios Ethernet punto a punto de alta capacidad) y SafeNet (seguridad y encripción).

6. Daniel Domínguez, I.T Manager at i-azul. Cofundador y Gerente I.T de i-azul Ltda con sede principal en Colombia, Investigador en Robótica del Laboratorio de Robótica de Francia. Ingeniero Mecatrónico. Trabajo como Ingeniero Senior en China. Creador del “The-Camus-Project” relacionado con robótica y realidad virtual relacionado en la página de la Nasa por “The Robotics Alliance Project”. Colaborador de diferentes comunidades que trabajan en robótica aportando nuevos conceptos e implementaciones de simuladores y rotos móviles.

7. Juan David Correa Toro, Socio fundador y Gerente General, Nodrizza Network S.A. Socio Fundador y Gerente General de Nodrizza Network S.A. en Colombia. Ingeniero Administrador. Especialista en Desarrollo de Software. Miembro de ANEIAP (Asociación Nacional de Estudiantes de Ingeniería Industrial, Administrativa y de Producción), PEP (Programa de Excelencia Profesional), Uniprogram (Programa de mejoramiento universitario). Gerente de Proyectos Tecnológicos, Investigador temas tecnológicos, capacitador temas tecnológicos. Gestión de Proyectos de Software, SEO, Arquitectura de la información, Web 2.0.

8. Daniel Julián Cárdenas Ortiz, Consultor I+D
9. Magda Martínez Vélez, Gerente Soluciones MKA
10. Maryline Signoret, e-Doceo International Coordination in Colombia
11. Fernando Londoño Londoño, Catedrático Universitario, Investigador

Grupo de Trabajo en Bogotá - Colombia, de la Fundación País del Conocimiento

12. Germán Realpe Delgado. CEO y fundador de Cloud Seguro,  Abogado de la Universidad Santo Tomás, Especialista en Derecho Comercial de la Universidad Javeriana, Especialista en Derecho Informático de la Universidad Externado de Colombia y de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Diplomado en Contratación Internacional y Comercio Electrónico de la Universidad Santo Tomás y en Sistema Penal Acusatorio de la Universidad del Rosario, ha trabajado en la Flota Mercante en liquidación, en la Vicepresidencia Jurídica de la Empresa de Telecomunicaciones de Bogotá. 

Se ha desempeñado en distintas empresas relacionando la parte jurídica con la tecnología, fue Coordinador Académico de la Escuela Judicial Rodrigo Lara Bonilla en temas de Derecho Civil, Derechos de Autor y Derecho Informático para Magistrados y Jueces en Colombia, actualmente se desempeña como Consultor de Derecho Informático y Nuevas Tecnologías en la empresa TyG de Colombia, y en la Fundación Pensar Verde con temas de Reciclaje Electrónico, Uso Racional y proporcional de tecnologías en relación con el Derecho Informático. Ha participado como ponente en distintos Congresos Mundiales de Derecho Informático y Nuevas Tecnologías. 

Autor de distintos escritos, formador académico en distintos espacios en temas propios de Derecho Informático y Nuevas Tecnologías. Presidente y Fundador de la Asociación Colombiana de Profesionales de Derecho Informático y Nuevas Tecnologías.

13. Luz Bety Díaz Subieta. Psicóloga, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Postgrado en Docencia Universitaria con énfasis en Investigación de la Universidad del Bosque. Creadora  y orientadora en temas de sensibilización hacia las TIC,  en diseño instruccional para virtualización y adaptación pedagógica para contenidos virtuales.  

Asesora de proyectos de grado orientados a estudios  comparativo de los Resultados obtenidos en la utilización de los Métodos Tradicionales y los Métodos Virtuales en los Procesos de  Capacitación y Formación en los Ambientes Laborales”, además de proyectos de virtualización. 

Ha ejercido como directora de Pedagogía e Investigación e- Learning innovando en Líneas de investigación y coordinando el desarrollo de temas especializados  a fines con la enseñanza virtual. Como tutora virtual y coautora en SENA (Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje) ha diseñado e implementado cursos virtuales como Docente presencial contratista del SENA.

14. Liboria Rentería Urrutia. Licenciada en Educación Básica Primaria con Especialización en Computación para la docencia, ha trabajado en el Diseño de Página Web con  Macromedia, capacitada en Curso de PHP + MySQL NIVEL 1. Especialización en MEM - UPB - Microsoft Programa Entre Pares, Realizó el Curso de formación de facilitadores en actividades de aprendizaje y Habilidades de Comunicación TIC. En MEN – Microsoft curso El Programa A que te cojo Ratón, donde se  formo como de líder en alfabetización digital para maestros TIC. 

En INTEL - MEN – Fundación Merany hizo el Master Teacher: Formador en TIC.  Web Master: Creación de Webs Dinámicos con PHP y Bases de Datos MySQL Ha trabajado como Instructora de Informática en COMFAMA: Caja de Compensación Familiar Municipio: Medellín. Actualmente es Coordinadora en  TIC Institución Educativa Dinamarca.

15. Sonia Yamile Ortega Carrillo. Ingeniera de Sistemas, Especialialista en Telecomunicaciones y soluciones innovadoras y pertinentes, desde la perspectiva de la tecnología. Con capacidad para la operación y mantenimiento de dispositivos, equipos y sistemas de  cómputo. 

Con conocimientos en Sistemas Operativos: Microsoft Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server. Redes: Configuración y administración de servicios DHCP, WINS, DNS, Internet Information Server. Paquetes: Microsoft Office, Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project. Software especializado: Packet Tracer, Radio Mobile. 

Administración de SQL Server. Formada para la Instalación y mantenimiento preventivo de equipos de computación y periféricos.  Con  Preparación sobre conceptos generales y específicos de sistemas a usuarios,  Redes Manejo Seguridad Informática y Mantenimiento De Equipos. 

Actualmente asesora y elabora cursos para el Diseño y Desarrollo de Aplicaciones afines. Cuenta con capacitación en Mantenimiento de Hardware, Diseño Web con Macromedia Dream Weaver,   Programación de páginas Web con HTML y JAVASCRIPT. Ha trabajado como docente en  Informática Mantenimiento y Asistencia de redes.

Grupo de Trabajo en Medellín - Colombia, de la Fundación País del Conocimiento

16. Edna Consuelo Cerón Moreno. Licenciada en Educación Preescolar y Terapeuta Ocupacional trabajando actualmente y desde hace 10 años en el Colegio Champagnat de Bogotá con experticia en la Gestión del Conocimiento, mediante Enseñanza para la Comprensión y Desarrollo del Pensamiento, aplicadas a las diferentes áreas curriculares.  

Dominio de grupos en población infantil y de padres de familia en comunidades educativas. Habilidad y eficiencia en la aplicación de estrategias de comunicación virtual para la gestión de información dentro de la comunidad educativa. Capacidad en la identificación, análisis y orientación de soluciones de situaciones de conflicto dentro del aula, generadas por dificultades en patrones culturales, de crianza y de tipo neurofisiológico.

17. Juliana Alejandra Burgos Cuadros. Comunicadora Social y Periodista  Especialista en Gerencia de la Comunicación Organizacional. Ha sido Asesora  en   Comunicación Organizacional en  Empresa Social del Estado Hospital San Rafael. Tunja (Boyacá). Colombia. Realizadora de programas en Producción, locución, investigación, reportería y cubrimiento del Festival Internacional Cervantino  en la Radio Universidad de Guanajuato 100.7 FM. Guanajuato, México. 

Ha hecho Pre -producción, Producción,  Presentadora, voces en off del  Programa televisivo   “Derechos para todos” Universidad de Boyacá. Colombia.. Pre-producción, Producción y Cámara de  comerciales  Institucionales. Dirección,  Musicalización, Cámara,  Guión, voz en off.  Radio Dorado Estéreo (89.1 F.M.) Tunja Boyacá. Colombia.  Radio de Interés público 95.6 F.M. ICBA (Instituto de Bellas Artes de Boyacá) Tunja. Colombia. Locución e investigación de programa musical, exponiendo las diferentes bandas del rock Revista Juvenil “TÉNTACULO” Tunja. 

Redactora, Publicaciones para jóvenes interesados en mantenerse actualizados en temas relacionados con música, deporte, cultura y actividades académicas.  Radio Caracol (Oxigeno 99.3 F.M. Tunja). Colombia.  Disc Jockey, Locutora y Comentarista de música comercial emitida.

18. Juan Fernando Villa. Desarrollador de Software, Redes y Servidores. Con Capacitación en  Autocad Básico por SENA ANTIOQUIA - CENTRO DE FORMACIÓN EN DISEÑO, CONFECCIÓN Y MODA. Con formación en Administración, Configuración y Desarrollo de sistemas Linux / Asterisk / php / Mysql;  Administración, Configuración y Desarrollo de sistemas TRIXBOX ELASTIX PBX IN A FLASH VICIDIAL y Desarrollador y Diseñador de Sitios Web en JOOMLA CMS. Cuenta con capacitación en Comunicacion efectiva, Merchandicing, Servicio al Cliente, Linux Básico, Controles y Seguridad Informatica, CMS Joomla, Cisco CCNA v4.0 modulo 1 Network Fundamentals y Fundamentación de Ensamble y Mantenimiento para los procesos de soporte técnico.

19. Carlos Andrés Londoño López. Comunicador Audiovisual con estudios en diseño publicitario y manejo de Manejo de Adobe Premier (Edición de Video), Manejo de CorelDraw (Diseño gráfico), Manejo de Photoshop (Diseño gráfico) con experiencia como camarógrafo y Editor de programas de Tv (Programa “Tiempo de Conquista”, emitido en el Canal Cosmovisión.

Miembros Gestores y Afiliados Individuales de la Fundación País del Conocimiento - Bogotá, Noviembre de 2009

viernes, 21 de enero de 2011

Open Innovation in Antioquia

Open Innovation in Antioquia

Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

How our LL is committed to, and benefits from “openness”. The Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento’ understands very well the philosophy of sharing, to teach all, to build together, solidarity, social responsibility of enterprises and the social role of government agencies as a premise for development. This is evidenced by all the actors of the "Institutional Network of Antioquia" in their mission, functions, principles and values. (see websites of the various institutions, companies and organizations that conform it). Therefore the commitment to facilitate openness is total, for philosophical reasons, principles and values. The Country of Knowledge Foundation as a manager and promoter of the Living Lab for example, is governed by values and principles which demonstrates its complete openness with the public in general. View Values and Principles of the Foundation.

In the philosophical framework "Colombia towards a Country of Knowledge", our Country of Knowledge Foundation, states that "To achieve a country of knowledge, it is very important that all of Colombian society unites in a joint multi-sector (based on ICT for Citizens benefit, as the focus of attention and actions of all these social actors) around the state that calls and promotes to the Academy (Education as the essence for the creation of knowledge) with universities and research groups, centers Technological Development and educational institutions both private and public, the production sector with its unions and businesses, civil society organizations such as associations, foundations, cooperatives, corporations, unions and all NGOs, and obviously the citizen, so that together can build "Digital Colombia, toward a Knowledge Territory". See 'Philosophical framework of the Country of Knowledge Foundation'

How it benefits the Living Lab 'Antioquia Depto del Conocimiento LL' Open Innovation Model? Is favored in the incremental benefit given under the basic principle of "unity is strength". It is the satisfaction of seeing how the new technologies are coming to population: vulnerable, the disadvantaged, displaced, demobilized, blacks, women-headed households, homeless children, among others, overcoming the digital divide. Finally, it is the satisfaction of feeling that with the Living Lab model, there is greater equity and more accomplished digital and social inclusion.

The IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) principles applied by our LL, and how this supports openness and LL capability and efficiency. The Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' with respect to intellectual property is governed by Colombian law that is consistent with the agreement of the World Trade Organization - WTO, intellectual property (TRIPS). See website of the National Directorate of Copyright. However, in order to strengthen and expand the strategies that promote the generation of knowledge and skill development designed to encourage a spirit to the artistic, cultural, scientific and technological, the Colombian government launched the Bases of an Action Plan for the adequacy of the Intellectual Property System to Competitiveness and National Productivity.

According to the above guidelines, the opening is not affected and instead creates a very flexible framework for the development of the objectives of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL', enabling the democratization and broad participation, in the open innovation model and no detrimental effect on their capacity and efficiency.

How open our LL is for new investors/partners and the principles applied. The Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento' in its essence is and will be open to participation by all, whether investors or domestic or foreign partners and in particular the participation in the broader sense, according to the philosophical foundations that inspires us to collectively create a Country of Knowledge, among all Colombians.

The following are the principles that apply in the Living Lab:

  1. Teamwork,
  2. The common good prevail over individual interests,
  3. Cooperation and Community Involvement,
  4. Consistency between thinking, saying and acting,
  5. Creativity and Open Innovation,
  6. Strength and Leadership,
  7. Sense of belonging,
  8. Solidarity and Partnership,
  9. Arrangment,
  10. Quality in action,
  11. Sense of Belonging,
  12. Respect for municipal autonomy,
  13. Transparency, Responsibility and Commitment,
  14. Confidence,
  15. Service Orientation,
  16. Discipline, dedication and loyalty,
  17. Tolerance,
  18. Justice and equity,
  19. Promoting enterprise and entrepreneurship,
  20. Responsibility to society and the environment,
  21. Honesty and Integrity and
  22. Environmental Care.

How our LL uses media/channels (web etc) for public visibility, communication and interaction. The media are crucial to successful socialization and awareness of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' to achieve the highest level of public visibility. Several members of the 'Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia' have enormous strengths in the media. The Government of Antioquia and several universities have their own radio stations covering the entire department. In addition to this there is a wide network of community radio stations that disseminate information of Department of Knowledge at the time. But it highlights, that the Government of Antioquia and the Municipality of Medellin have their own TV channels open, covering the entire department (from Medellin for the entire department comes via cable TV): See websites Teleantioquia and Telemedellin.

For the interaction with users, highlights the wide experience in Social Networks Knowledge Foundation's country and some of its members, such as:

  1. Country of Knowledge Foundation (YouTube Chanel 1)
  2. Country of Knowledge Foundation (YouTube Chanel 2)
  3. Country of Knowledge Foundation (YouTube Chanel 3)
  4. Colombia Country of Knowledge in Facebook (+8.600) 
  5. Campaña 'Colombia2025': https://www.facebook.com/Colombia2025
  6. vimeo.com/frajaro,
  7. www.slideshare.net/frajaro,
  8. twitter.com/PaisdelSaber,
  9. http://www.paisdelconocimiento.org
  10. http://twitter.com/PaisdelSaber
  11. http://frajaro.blogspot.com
  12. http://paisdelconocimiento.blogspot.com
  13. http://es.scribd.com/frajaro
  14. http://es.scribd.com/paisdelconocimiento
  15. https://www.instagram.com/frajaro/
  16. The Knowledge Factory
  17. Nodrizza
  18.  Agro 2.0 

miércoles, 19 de enero de 2011



Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

Technology / infrastructure that is essential / critical in usage contexts or for our LL operations.

1. For the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento' is important to have 'technological methodologies for groups management' to achieve effective multi-sectoral coordination among various actors in the Institutional Network of Antioquia, which ensures the success and effectiveness of the Living Lab.

2. Fiber optic connectivity and wireless connectivity in the 125 municipalities in the Department of Antioquia.

3. New Broadband technologies, with more bandwidth, and mobile connectivity, that becomes available on the market, so we're always on the cutting edge and timely data that would lead to a breakthrough and continuous growth model, along with ICT development, which depends on market conditions, business model, and both want to remain competitive in the market with operators and providers of ICT products and services for the Living Lab.

4. Massification of PCs and software throughout the Department of Antioquia with connectivity for the widest possible coverage in the nine (9) subregions, generating greater access to information and knowledge via the Internet.

5. It requires privilege the use of free software in all areas of ICT application.

6. The Living Lab model, will should encourage providers to sell mobile phone equipment at prices to achieve comprehensive coverage of services in a win - win for operators and end consumers, for which, it is essential Digital Literacy much more intensive in the whole population, to unleash a dynamic of greater consumption of goods and services of ICT across the region.

7. Similarly it should design a good model of awareness for the proper appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation (ST + I), trough intensive, productive, innovative and efficient ICT use, as an instrument of Open and Collaborative Innovation.

Our LL’s status and plans when it comes to our LL business model and financial sustainability. Currently, the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento' is in the development of the partnership agreement between the Country of Knowledge Foundation and the Government of Antioquia in the first phase for studies and socialization of 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge'; the second phase includes the implementation, by implementing an action plan proposed, as a result of studies of the first phase, which is concluded and approved by the Technical Committee with the support of the Scientific Council. Each of the actors is administratively and financially autonomous and they all have financial sustainability (see financial reports and budget plans on websites of the Institutional Network Antioquia).

However, to finance the various strategies, programs, projects and activities, it will provide a common fund with resources from the 'Institutional Network of Antioquia', contributions from the Government Department and the 125 municipalities of Antioquia, also will receive national resources according with the National Development Plan 2010 - 2014, as well as the various national entities such as Ministries and Colciencias, among others. Similarly, from the Social Responsibility of Business, Banking, companies and national and international organizations, and the same from national and international cooperation.

Experience and capability that our Living Lab has, when it comes to international networking. Our Living Lab is meeting the National Policy Digital Territories, with the 125 municipalities in 9 subregions. Our own strategy is in structuring and implementing the Department of Antioquia as a Territory of Knowledge with 9 subregions. In the case of Medellin, it combines strategies of Digital City, Smart City and / or Ubiquitous and International City of Knowledge.

Various provincial government institutions and universities, as well as organizations and companies in the 'Institutional Network  of Antioquia Department', have a rich experience of collaborative work in international networks in a number of major projects (see the various web sites in the 'Institutional Network of Antioquia') and are coordinated through the International Cooperation Agency - ACI.

Likewise, the Country Knowledge Foundation, has its European partners who are constantly working with issues of Living Labs, Territories of Knowledge and Open Innovation: View some videos.

Our LL’s most “labour-intensive” activities and persons (full-time equivalents) that are working for our LL. The main activities outlined in the Living Lab are:

  1. Inter-agency coordination,
  2. Strategic Planning of Knowledge Territory,
  3. Research and Development,
  4. Literacy, education and training in ICT and Science, Technology and Innovation,
  5. Management of National and International Cooperation,
  6. Financial sustainability management model with the central government, businesses, unions, universities, research centers, technology parks and national and international organizations,
  7. Implementing plans, policies, programs, projects and activities related to Information  and Communications Technologies (ICT), Science, Technology and Innovation (ST+I), the generation and sustainability of entrepreneurship and the strengthening of Entrepreneurship,
  8. Promoting regional, national and international Living Lab model,
  9. Media Management.

View more at: Living Lab Activities.

The model of the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' is participatory and integrated between the different actors in the 'Institutional Network of Antioquia', with a systemic, holistic and integrated through a collaborative scheme Networking, where each institution, organization, company, union or NGOs, have budget and financial autonomy and is being defining the organizational model to ensure its functionality, where they will consult how many people do we need, about their roles and how many are full-time in the implementation of Antioquia Department of Knowledge, in an open and flexible organizational model, as proposed for the Living Lab. View in detail in: Main entities of the Living Lab

However, independent of the above, in the first phase of study and socialization of the 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge' Living Lab, it has a staff including: See more.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

Users and Reality

Users and Reality

Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

The actions of the 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge' Living Lab, are all oriented to the population of the department in its 9 sub-regions, ie to all its 6 million inhabitants in 125 municipalities of the department.

The main principles for how users are involved in your LL. The principles governing the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimiento' apply to all users and citizens involved in:

1. Cooperation and Community Involvement,

2. Collaborative work,

3. Creativity and Open Innovation,

4. Solidarity and Partnership,

5. Arrangment,

6. Transparency,

7. Confidence,

8. Tolerance,

9. Justice and equity,

10. Promoting enterprise and entrepreneurship,

11. Honesty and Integrity.

Important real-life/work environment(s) and our LL arrangements to achieve “realism”. There are some business, unions, and universities that are involving citizens in the innovation process through real life experimentation.  They are some organizations that play coordination roles between academia, companies, and public agencies and of course, users or citizens, while providing a series of services either directly or through close partnership with other companies. Some of them organize users as a pool of voluntaries while others recruit them on a project basis. There are innovative talent.

Are already seeing cases in Antioquia and Medellin mainly stimulating to the participation of citizens and users, for example, collaborative work between students and businessmen, mainly on the University Alliance - Company - State of Antioquia, building a technological innovation ecosystem, making the integration of technological and social innovation.

Businesses already are benefiting from university research. Such is the case of the Argos Company that has sponsored research with the National University, which will improve the properties of kaolin, which is the main component of white cement, using microorganisms that have the ability to remove iron in the ore, making whitewash and thus achieve international standards, making the industry more competitive. See more.

The conditions are being created for citizens, as users of products and services and they are protagonists of the processes. See what says Henry Chesbrough about open services innovation in Medellin.

From the Country of Knowledge Foundation we are leading an intensive media plan with all radio channels, newspapers, television and social networks to motivate the collective construction of knowledge Territory, where all citizens, who are the reason for all society actors, make this your reality, participating with their opinions, their ideas, their projects. For them in the short term will be held 13 thematic panels in the intensive, productive and efficient use of ICT in different fields (education, health, government, agriculture, tourism, etc) as tools for Open and Collaborative Innovation, with direct and collective participation of citizens. See fields of application. Proof of this is that today already is a reality the culture of entrepreneurship in Medellin and Antioquia, with the participation of private sector and thousands of ongoing projects.


For this, the government and companies, for about 5 years, are providing important resources and mechanisms to encourage such participation, with programs such as Entrepreneur Antioquia, the Seed of Entrepreneurship, Young Entrepreneurs, Seed Research, among others. 

How actively and deeply users are involved in our LL activities. Our 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' Living Lab, has no rationale if not exists citizens as users. Citizens are the fundamental and decisive factor in all processes of collective construction of knowledge Territories, which today plays a leading role Collective Intelligence.

Many citizens as users of products and services, are active part of the research processes, entrepreneurship and the generation of complete cycles of products and services in Medellin and Antioquia. The user is the reason of being for the State, the Academy, the Productive Sector and Third Sector (NGOs). The project ‘Medellin Digital Living Lab’ presented in this 5wave of ENoLL, is part of this dynamic: View project: ENoLL5W_CO_MedellinDigitalLL.pdf.

Are LL activities performed for, with or by users? At the moment, already many activities in Medellin y en Antioquia are performed for, with and by users.

Important methods and tools that are utilized by your LL for user involvement. Free wireless connectivity in all municipalities of Antioquia, Telecenters, community access points free Internet, strengthening the entrepreneurship culture, literacy for a culture of open and collaborative innovation, training plans, workshops, training, e-Learning, forums, seminars, conferences, discussions of motivation, media campaigns (radio, television, press), Social Networks (Facebook, Twitter, Sonic, YouTube, Slideshare, etc.) and mobile telephony, among other mechanisms and methods.

See more information in spanish, presented in the 4 wave of ENoLL in 2010. 

sábado, 15 de enero de 2011



Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

The most important assets, values and services being exchanged and/or generated within our LL. In our Territory of Knowledge Living Lab, assets, securities and services that are interchange or are created within their context, are those that are generated in each of the entities and institutions, associations, businesses, educational institutions, research centers, technology parks and civic organizations, among others. In that vein, the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' these products, values and services that are exchanged or generated, are those made by various actors in the Institutional Network of Antioquia, in pursuance of its objects and their functions.

Assets/values/services that ‘AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL’ actors offer/provide to our LL. All the actors, offer and provide their products, values and services to the Living Lab and vice versa. It is a cyclical process. The actors of 'Antioquia Departamento del Conocimiento' Living Lab are able to better enhance their marketing mechanisms, since the Living Lab is a scenario that integrates all the key players of the Company, and through the union of all in 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge', there is only one win - win.


Assets/values/services that ‘Antioquia Departamento del Conocimiento’ offers/provides to our LL actors (including the users). The actors in the Living Lab, as mentioned above, receive all the benefits of the products, values and services that are generated in the same Living Lab, such as: use of technology platforms, studies, research, promotion, marketing, training, training, business roundtable, among others. You can appreciate in more detail in various videos and links to web sites of Institutional Network of Antioquia, among others, that we presented before, in expanding the information in the preceding paragraph.

Assets/values that are collaboratively generated (co-created) in our LL. Much is being doing with all actors of society in the Department of Antioquia, through actions and projects of different actors in the Institutional Network of Antioquia. At the Living Lab, in generating synergies of skills, knowledges, and capabilities are achieved many results in networking, allowing joint development of a number of products, value and service. At the starting a participatory dynamics, unprecedented in Latin America and maybe in the world, as we are proposing, we must all think that anything is possible in Medellín and Antioquia.

Parts of a full product/service life-cycle that our LL supports. If we consider that a "life cycle" complete, that is composed by idea, concept, design, development, testing, use, support, maintenance and termination of the product or service, we think that basically the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' develops all of them and for that made a Departmental Policy of knowledge Management Plan, a comprehensive organizational model,  and strategic planning for mission accomplishment, which is the implementation and consolidation of Antioquia as a knowledge Territory.

However, for such a heterogeneous diversity of the different actors of the Institutional Network of the Department of Antioquia, it setting up itself an amalgam of all 'life cycles' of many products and services, related to ICT, with the technological innovation that occurs in every industry present in the department and the provision of all possible public services and customer care and / or citizen.

Similarly, the Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL' will be constantly innovating and creating solutions for products and services (all in the Department of Antioquia may occur), in relation to ICT, appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation -ST+I, Enterprise Generation, Entrepreneurship strengthening of the region, seeking always to create qualified jobs to the largest possible number of inhabitants of the department, as the main generator of wealth, and therefore to improve the quality of life of Antioquia, from the creation of virtuous circle of training (education in all forms) - job creation - increased export of products and services of excellent quality - increased productivity by generating high competitiveness of the region - GDP growth - poverty reduction - collective prosperity of all Antioquia and therefore an obvious improvement of the quality of life of the population of Antioquia and economic well-being shared by the entire population.

Living Lab relevant value chains and which parts of the value-chains our LL supports. Recalling that the Living Lab are involved companies, unions, universities, research centers, technology parks, regional government entities and municipalities, civic organizations, various institutions, among others, one must understand that is generating an undetermined number of value chains, daring to think that would be all the more common and generate new strings from management innovation and the appropriation and use of ICT as an instrument of Open Innovation, and the appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation in the nine (9) subregions of Antioquia, with support from the national government (Colciencias).

However, it is expected that initially there will be more value chain with support activities, which primary activities of production or logistics. Specifically these value chains are in several of the actors in our Living Lab.

Some important value chains that are within the specific objectives of the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Departamento del Conocimiento' are:

1. Knowledge Management,

2. Innovation,

3. Information Management,

4. Process Management: Operations and Support,

5. Development and management of content and applications,

6. Information and technology,

7. Organizational culture,

8. Research,

9. Marketing,

10. Technology integration,

11. Socialization,

12. Training, Awareness and Socialization,

13. Creating a culture of research and Innovation,

14. Generation of Entrepreneurship,

15. Strengthening entrepreneurship,

16. Strengthening Comprehensive training,

17. Development vision and strategies,

18. Design of products and services,

19. Relationship management,

20. Improvement and change management,

21. Economic and Financial Management Resources,

22. ICT infrastructure planning and CT+ I,

23. Computer Security, 

24. Design, Development and Expansion Project Management, 

 25. Identifying markets, 

26. External Relations Management,

27. Business improvement / control,

28. Development & Maintenance / Technology.

The Living Lab has a strong emphasis on Information and Communications Technologies, and accordingly, it should be noted that convergence in this sector of ICT enables new roles actors. Also, companies tend to be present in one or more elements of the value chain.

As shown in the image below1, there is a double virtuous circle that connects Technological Development of ICT, with the impact it has on the Development of Society. This effect is not direct but is mediated by boundary conditions (technological, commercial, regulatory, social and cultural), and is going adjusting as it changes the market realities and emerging technological options. These adjustments turn feed back into the system, imparting a boost both the supply side as the demand side.2

1Tomada del informe del proyecto “Identificación de las líneas de I+D en telecomunicaciones en Colombia”. CINTEL- COLCIENCIAS.

2Tomada del artículo “La cadena de valor de las TIC como Fuente de Innovación y Desarrollo Tecnológico” -Leonardo Pineda Serna PH.D, Cintel.

See more information in spanish, presented in the 4 wave of ENoLL in 2010.


jueves, 13 de enero de 2011

Direction and Plans for the Future

Direction and Plans for the Future

Escrito por: Francisco Javier Roldán Velásquez (@PaisdelSaber)

With the methodologies of Living Lab 'AntioquiaDeptodelConocimientoLL', we hope to create the first Department of Knowledge of Colombia, generating dynamics that facilitate learning and feedback, which will serve as a pilot and model for structuring other Territories of Knowledge in Colombia, such as municipalities, cities, regions and departments, which enable progress towards the construction of ‘Colombia Country of Knowledge’. View philosophical framework: "Colombia is ready to be a country of Knowledge!".

There are already about 40 developing Digital Territories1 in Colombia, which is the first step to move towards Territories of Knowledge2 through research, structuring, implementation and consolidation of them.

It is moving forward with a campaign of awareness and motivation at the national level: See more at:


At the time we are developing the following objectives for the studies and socialization of "Antioquia Department of Knowledge" as a pilot of Living Lab:

General Purpose. In a partnership agreement (in process) with the Governor of Antioquia, we pretend to coordinate actions, efforts, skills and knowledge to build the strategies, programs, projects, resources, organizational model, parameters and criteria for the structuring, implementation and consolidation of ‘Antioquia, Department of Knowledge’ as a Living Lab with its 125 municipalities.

Specific short-term objectives:

  1. Definition of the organizational system;
  2. Identification of strategies, programs, projects and activities of the Living Lab;
  3. Identify sources of local and national funding projected to 10 years;
  4. Analysis of projects in light of the Computer Law;
  5. Defining model of connectivity to deployment in 9 subregions of Antioquia;
  6. Development of logical and physical preliminary design of connectivity systems;
  7. Defining Digital Literacy model;
  8. Define intervention methodology and Plan of Action.

Specific medium-term objectives:

  1. Execution model wired and wireless connectivity to the Internet to the 125 municipalities of Antioquia, according to their characteristics;
  2. Development of ICT inventory model for the department with its municipalities;
  3. Carrying out the inventory,
  4. Develop best practices guide for developing services aimed at citizens in an environment of connectivity;
  5. Implementation of Digital Literacy Program for 125 municipalities;
  6. Identify the model I + D + i (Scientific and Technological Research + Development + Innovation) in the context of the Regional System of Science, Technology and Innovation;
  7. Design and implement a Virtual Permanent Forum, for the Development of Antioquia Department of Knowledge, that encourages collective intelligence through feedback from all citizens through collaborative networking (Networking);
  8. Designing and implementing the media plan for the socialization and culture to 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge’;
  9. Development of 13 thematic working groups by area of application of ICT;
  10. Implementation of Integrated Operational Plan.

Specific long term objectives:

  1. Execution of the Program of masification of computers with their software, connected to the Internet for households and MSMEs;
  2. Implementation and appropriation of a model I + D + i (Scientific and Technological Research + Development + Innovation) in the context of the Regional System of Science, Technology and Innovation;
  3. Implementation of open innovation models, using methodologies of Living Lab in the Department of Antioquia and its 9 sub-regions, from the identification of areas of application according to socioeconomic, political and cultural needs of each municipality of the 9 subregions;
  4. Continuous generation of new ventures projects in 125 municipalities of Antioquia, with open and collaborative innovation methodologies in different fields of application of ICT;
  5. Strengthening Entrepreneurship with implementation of Open Innovation, using ICT;
  6. Consolidation and strengthening of the University Alliance - Enterprise - State;
  7. Internet Content Development in the different sectors;
  8. Implementation of Integrated Information Systems;
  9. Designing a comprehensive system of long-term computer security;
  10. Running programs 'Digital Lives Colombia' of the Ministry of ICT for the Department of Antioquia. See more at: Vive Digital Colombia;
  11. Implementation of Strategic Plan of Regionalization and Appropriation of Science, Technology and Innovation of the national government (Colciencias) for the Department of Antioquia;
  12. Monitoring, and evaluation (Technology Watch) of the appropriation of the Information and Communications Technologies in the following areas of application, in order of relevance to the Department of Antioquia and its 9 sub regions:

  • e-Government,
  • e- Education,
  • e-Health,
  • e-Security (Public Safety),
  • e-Commerce (Digital SMEs and MSMEs),
  • e-Employment (Telework),
  • e-Mobility,
  • e-Farm (agriculture),
  • e-Justice,
  • e-Tourism,
  • e-Environment,
  • e-Prevention (Disaster Prevention and Treatment),
  • e-Culture, e-Democracy,
  • e-Community (Social Networking),
  • e-Household (Home Automation),
  • e-Entertainment,
  • e-Global Communications (Networking, Social Networks).


Critical Success Factors:

  1. Project understanding;
  2. Comprehensive planning with proper strategies;
  3. Competencies of the Project Team;
  4. Effective communication;
  5. Realistic estimates of Time and costs;
  6. Adequate control of projects;
  7. Collaborative participation of citizens;
  8. Political support of the senior management of the Antioquia Government and the Mayor of Medellin;
  9. Authority of the Project Manager;
  10. Innovation and creativity in the development of the various Programs and projects implemented;
  11. Skills for conflict resolution;
  12. International cooperation and institutional;
  13. Transferability;
  14. Establishing a risk management process.

Risk Factors:

  1. Delays in decision-making in the organization;
  2. Poor organization;
  3. Changes in organizational priorities;
  4. Budget constraints;
  5. Changes in the scope of the project;
  6. Economic crisis affecting the organization and the project;
  7. Low morale in the team;
  8. Discouragement;
  9. Natural disaster;
  10. Resistance to change;
  11. Society opposition, city, town;
  12. Red tape and bureaucracy;
  13. Low productivity and poor use of project management disciplines;
  14. Lack of leadership of some officials of critical tasks;
  15. Negative political influence;
  16. Poor media plan;
  17. Communication difficulties;
  18. Little commitment of top institutional leadership in some sectors, primarily in government,
  19. Non-acceptance by the public;
  20. Poor socialization, training and awareness to the user and the people involved;
  21. Low participation and commitment of the mayors of the municipalities;
  22. Difficulty in implementation;
  23. Availability of team members responsible;
  24. Lack of authority to make decisions;
  25. Weak coverage of ICT in SMEs;
  26. The staff is not involved in the project or not have the skills required;
  27. Some actors do not understand the impact of the changes that the project will bring;
  28. Staff assigned by some key actors have no experience or training.

It should highlight the following important features that ensure the success of the Living Lab 'Antioquia, Department of Knowledge':

  1. Connectivity available throughout the Department;
  2. Chances of reaching all municipalities with the highest technology of the Internet;
  3. High corporate social responsibility;
  4. High coverage of ICT in public institutions;
  5. Existence of a new regulatory framework in Information Technology and Communications (ICT) and Science, Technology and Innovation (ST + I);
  6. Leadership and commitment of the national government to the territories of the country;
  7. Existence of a National Policy of Digital Territories with very good results in 4 (four) years of operation;
  8. Colombia is a leading e-Government in Latin America and the Caribbean;
  9. Colombia also ranks first in Latin America and the Caribbean in e-Participation;
  10. One of the highest Internet penetration rates (between 9 best in the world);
  11. Colombia is one of the Latin American countries with the highest number of users of social networks like facebook, after Spain.

[1] Overcrowding, Digital Literacy and Appropriation of ICT, in their respective territories.

[2] Appropriation of Science and Technology, using productive, efficient and intensive use of ICT as a tool for open and collaborative innovation.

See more information in spanish, presented in the 4 wave of ENoLL in 2010.